Exploring the Ideal Steps of Pursuing Slip and Fall Claims

Chiaf Law Offices
2 min readSep 6, 2022


It won’t be wrong to say that people in OKC have endless misconceptions regarding slip and fall mishaps. You will also find complexities in the applicable law area. Ultimately, it’s the support of hurt at work lawyer that can resolve your problems. Furthermore, it’s the responsibility of the property owners in OKC to ensure secure premises.

After slip and fall accidents, workers might incur injuries, making it mandatory to file compensation claims. But do you think that proving negligence is going to be that easy? Well! It’s better to think again. According to the hurt at work lawyers of Chiaf Law Offices, you can take some ultra-effective steps to get the best results. Here are some of these.

Paying Attention to Medical Care

What’s the first thing you should do after suffering an injury at work? It’s essential to seek medical attention before taking any other step. The typical health complications that slip and fall accidents can cause include traumatic injury in the back, brain, spinal cord, and neck. Another common issue of this injury is internal bleeding (which you might notice after several weeks of the accident.) You can talk to your hurt at work lawyer for more information. Simply put, it’s essential to prevent the chances of a dispute by safeguarding your health while filing a claim.

The Report-Filing Moment

The next vital step is to file the mishap report with the property owner or business after the incident. This step documents the fact of the occurrence of an accident. Furthermore, this report may contain some essential information about the incident and the negligent party’s contact info (something you cannot miss.)

Taking the Photographs

Do not forget to take pictures of the accident spot and your injuries. If you skip this step, you give the property owner a chance to manipulate the circumstances.

Originally published at https://www.okcinjurylaw.com on September 6, 2022.



Chiaf Law Offices
Chiaf Law Offices

Written by Chiaf Law Offices


At Chiaf Law Offices, we help those who have been hurt on the job or by other parties, not insurance companies or big corporations. We offer free consultations.

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